Sunday, November 1, 2009

Friends Drift Like Waves in the Water

I've noticed that no matter how close you are to a friend and no matter how long you've known them by the time highschool hits or afterwards you just simply drift apart no matter what. It may not be that it happened intentionally sometimes it just happens, sometimes it could be over who your friend is dating, and sometimes it ends with argument either way it goes I hate to say it but most people even best friends just simply drift apart. When it first happened with my crew I didn't know how to handle it so what I did was try to prevent it from happening but what I've learned was you can't force the changes that happen in life to not change they will happen anyway and trying to prevent will only waste time cause things to end up worse in the end. Time to beware of drifting friendships: Senior Year of Highschool, College or after highschool, and even as an adult. Friends usually start drifting around these times because this is when people like to really start trying new things and the new things come along with being with new people then eventually you and these new people start hanging and they won't forget about their old friends but they just aren't around them as much. Could also be because your friend may have left you hanging or the other friend might get jealous because you're spending less time with them and they start feeling like they're being replaced. My advice for this is that if you know that is you best friend there is no need to lete jealousy come in the picture because you should know your role in that persons life and know you can never be replaced but you should also have this understanding that no matter how far apart you are from that person even if they start changing thats always going to be your best friend but life changings peoples mind frames as they start to grow up. Two years ago I was too young to understand this but now I get it. This week has been one of the craziest weeks and I've heard and whitnessed several situations of friends drifting. My advice to you guys is accept it. It will be natural for you to be sad, mad, even jealous about (just don't let jealousy take over your actions), and you will even look back at an old picture of you and your friend or you and your crew and be like damn we used to be super close what happened to us and my answer to that would be growth as people.

P.S. Sometimes it might not be growth but that so called friend may have betray you or have done you very grimey in a situation watch out for that and watch out for "Fakes" ya'll

-Fly Cayla