Thursday, March 12, 2009

Its been a minute

Sheesh its been 11 days since I last posted.
I've been meaning to post but i've been caught up with so much hw during the week and then I'm hardly home on the weekends. A lot has went down in these last 11days though. I've been sick, my brother got kicked out the house and came back again lol, my other bro willie got jumped and that had me worried for a min till' I found out he was ok, my best friend T-time got her liscense so its 1 down to 2 go unfortunately i'll be the last one to go because I have to wait till' june but I ain't trippin though, oh and guess what guys I now have a B in math analysis, yes i've been on my job haha, low-key been recording and learning new stuff on my mic program, hmm what else ohh yeah i've been thinking about college alot lately i'm trying to determine what I want to major in but all I can say that I really like is music for something that I would enjoy making money off of for a living its almost as if music is my heart but i've been trying to decipher between that and going into dentistry even though I wasn't really trying to go into the medical field but dentists make bank i'm going to try to see if I can do some kind of work and recieve some kind of experience in that area as far as seeing how it goes so I will talk to my dentist... I signed up for the SAT test I will be taking it in May and I am going to sign up for the ACT's tommorow... well thats about it a lot of crazy stuff for just 11 days.

ay yi yi only thing is today was kind of not my day but I'm tryna return to my normal stage I think I have by now but it seems as if people wanted to make me mad all day to day I swear people just think they can talk to you any kind of way. I was having a good day too and then in third period just when I was about to present this filipino come out of the blue with her bull shii and smart (_!_) remarks. Check this out I was standing by the board playing with the tape(don't ask why lol) && then this bxtch come up from behind with her smart (_!_) sarcasm talking about some "gosh can you be any slower" and I ignore that little comment then I need to post my poster up but I didn't know what group this bitch was in so I asked her and she gets smart again talking about "it says group two on the back and obviously i'm in group 2if i'm putting it next too group one" so at this point i'm about ready to slap the shii out of this bitch (notice thats her new name now she doesn't deserve to be called by her name in my eyes any more)all she had to do was answer the f'king question all the extra bull shii was uncalled for now I could have been grimey and just slapped her in her fat (_!_) mouth but I was cool about it and was just like f'k it.

Then to top it off we get out of class early so i'm walking to the spot I kick it at during lunch and nutrition and this fat (_!_) mexican dean walk up too me(note I had seen her earlier that day when she came into my first period) so she walk up behind me(how odd all these people rollin' up from behind me today)and she like "I asked you earlier to take your beanie off so let me have it so I gave it too her no hastle and then she told me to turn my phone off so I did and put the shii in my case so she thought I didn't and gone tell me to give it too her for lying wtf? so at this point I could have told her no like anybody else I known would have but noo I have to go about things the right way and shii f'kn goody too shoes lmao nah but it wasn't worth getting suspended over cause my moms was pickin me up after skewl anyway's but then she gone storm off and shii after asking me my name and wasn't even going to tell me where I could get my shii back at and so I asked her ass then she call herself having a firm voice and shii yelling talking about your parents can pick it off at the deans office after skewl. So after skewl I get my mom to pick up my shii and this bitch try to play like she got amnesia and doesn't remember me so i'm like aw hell naw i'm the only one with a bright ass yellow spongebob beanie walking around this f'king skewl and then on top of that she didn't even know where the f'k she put it and i'm like why the f'k wouldn't you put the shii w/ my phone i guess you can say I pretty much got into it w/ her about that then into it w/ this black dean but they talking about I can pick my beanie up tommorow... all I know is they better have my shii or all hell is going to break lose. The saying goes "respect your elders" and I do that for the most part UNTIL they try to play me hell naw ain't NOBODY(double negative I know but i'm not trying to type proper when i'm mad) finna play me sheesh man but yeah thanks for letting me vent here's some entertainment for you to watch since this blog wasn't as entertaining as the others.

(LMAO look at his face ahaha)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Childhood Memories

Dang I wish somebody would have told me,
that my childhood was going to be the most precious
time in my life. Looking back on it all i'd give almost
anything to relive it. Reminiscing back to when all the homies
lived on the block. The original squad: Me, My Bro, Matthew, Ryan,
Frank, Chaz(whom I never really liked), Ike, and Johnathan(the only samoan).
I remember playing pokemon on the Gameboy Pocket(the second gameboy released) which was ancient and only released in silver and getting the gameboy color when it was first released. I remember me my brother and Ryan sitting on my front porch playing pokemon on my front porch until it was time for him to go home. I remember the super long drives to L.A. after school at my grandmas house with her one next door neighbor Chris who was the only other kid on that block besides me and my brother. I remember when playing outside till' it got dark was actually the thing to do and when we wanted entertainment me and the whole block would play tag and hide and go seek for it. I remember gardening with my grandma in her yard and her long walks she forced us to do with her old lady friend and tht big ol' cane to beat dogs with if they attacked her lmao. I remember the weekend functions at my aunts house with the fam until she passed away =( R.i.P. I remember the summertime trips to vegas and how happy I would be to go and how now family road trips are the worst. I remember switching from daycare to daycare having to make new friends at each one. I remember casette tapes before cds even existed. I remember the beepers and how they looked so dope to me even though I was so little I didn't know how to work it. I remember when cds did first come out and they released the ones with just the singles on it before the actual album came out. I remember when it was like 15bucks to go drop on an album but it was worth it just to hear one of your favorite artists. I remember when we first got cable and we had our illegal cable box you know what that meant FREE CABLE lmao yeah thats when we actually had all the good shows. Yeah good times. I miss it all. Good ol' 90's. If I could go back I would only thing I would add is sharing those memories with the friends that I have now. Well I couldn't get everything because this post would be way longer than it already is but these videos will catch alot of things I missed.

I guess this is kind of like a pt.2 too the last post.