Sunday, April 19, 2009

Still Ain't Forgave Myself

Words of Wisdom:
Your PRESENT determines your FUTURE and your FUTURE refelcts your PAST.
Thats all I can say I've really got a lot to think about and a lot of mixed emotions but if I ever teach you anything just remember that.
-Fly Cayla

P.S. I know for sure if it's two people in the world that I want to make the proudest with success in life it's my mom and my role-model for some reason they're the only two people who tell me their proud of me no matter what I do even when I feel like I've dissapointed them with something they never change how they look at me and unconditional love is something that you can't ask someone to show you and something that everybody doesn't receive I'm grateful to have it in my life. I can say thank you numerous times but even that isn't enough in my eyes. Nuff Said though Just know I love ya'll more than words can explain.

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