Tuesday, June 2, 2009


lil cuzzo
Happy [old enough to get a job] day to my lil cousin haha a.k.a happy U.f.o day. So much I could say about this kid but you probably still wouldn't understand her even if I wrote a whole book on her lol. Me and this kid go back to those youngin' days dancing in parades and all. Ya'll know her she the one who got these Carson High kids believing in the alien gods lmao. I admire this kid for he willingness to be herself, kuz thats what a lot of people lack in this day and age. I freakin' love this kid, she supports me w/ everything I do from this blog down to my music and I appreciate it all. A few down the line memories: Bus rides, mall joints, weinersnitzchel, gettin stranded at the beach by mistake lmao, late night mc donald missions, movies etc. etc. etc. Good Times && More to come!

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