Friday, December 18, 2009

Holiday Season

Thank God I get 3 weeks of from Carson High School low-key tired of that place but the most important part is I get to sleep in! WOOT WOOT! Anyways Christmas is around the corner I don't really have any spirit this year but I am ready for it though. I have a feeling it should be a blessed Christmas even though i'm not asking for much i'm going to cherish the things I do have. My Family, Friends, and a pot to piss in(just a figure of speech lol) oh and my health. I've realized the older people get the less they start to want. Holidays and festivities are more for the younger age-group. Another thing i've realized though is that when you start doing good deeds for people good things start to come your way. Anyways there's been so much going on in my personal life and i'm actually really proud of myself because with all the things going on in my personal life I feel like i've learned to balance my personal life and my educational life seperately and not let one get in the way of the other. I got my report card back today and I recieved 3B's and 2A's and even though thats good I won't be satisfied until I get straight A's now I know what Asian, African and Nigerian parents feel like -_- lol I've also gotten excepted into my first college last week so blessings seem like they've already been coming way. I've also finally gotten a Guitar Hero(technically Rock Band 2). It would be the best Christmas ever if I get my license i'd be like this =D which I think i'm taking on Thursday after my third session of behind the wheel training. Wish me luck. Oh yeah and i'm ready for Christmas Missions even if I have to do them myself. I've been learning my train stations and my streets which is a huge step for me because when it came to street-smarts(as far as a sense of direction) I had none. I guess some people just pick up on that in life as a child or are taught that but I never was and I never payed attention to the street signs I was always just someone who enjoyed the ride or went to sleep(which was a negative fault on my behalf). I tell my friends no one ever taught me to do that and they look at me like i'm just crazy lol but whatever though i'm putting myself on game now along with a small bit of help from them. I was studying the stops of the metros on the internet and they have some interesting histories especially the red-line. Peep these sites for more info: if you want to see the other colors for the metro just change red to the color you want to see. But yeah now I just need to learn which buses to catch i'm only familiar with the carson circuit and somewhat the torrance transit. Oh yeah and for the first time ever I put up some Christmas lights yayy me! lol

1 comment:

OhHusHiTZMAHBLoG said...

yes. we away from SUS ass chs hahaha. [i never use sus but it fit rite n there] but anyways. im so ready for being away from skoo for 3wks. but im proud of u bayla from the whole balance thing, to learning ur streets, learning ur trains, and working on learning ur buses. hopefully we both get our L's but looks like u got that coming for sure and mine is a big "?" lol. but watevaz. i still kno how to get around so im koo.. & oh yes christmas break missions poppin/crackin lol wateva da word is now-a-days