Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Today's the Day.
I knew its been coming for about a month now.
I've been trying to be strong for you because I know,
you've been being strong for both me and you and everybody else.
You probably won't be reading this anytime because i'm sure I won't tell you
to read it until I feel i'm ready for you to read it and today is not the day
because i'm not trying to make you get anymore emotional than this whole thing has already. Shii but I still remember the day you told me and I shed tears right then and there. I never imagined you leaving Cali just up and out of the ordinary but of course you didn't either. You have to leave behind the place you've been pretty much your whole life, all the friends you've made and start over for a whole year. If you can sacrifice why can't I? Why do I feel like this whole thing is about me? Like i'm the one who has to move? Probably because you're damn near apart of me so I feel like a part of me is moving away? who knows... We've both had so many thoughts run through our heads in the past month its crazy. You've told me shii that I probably wouldn't even expect from D.nick maybe because I was talking to Domo... or was it V-Dub? lol shii idk but I do know it feels good to know we can count each other with anything. Haha I just aimed you hoping for one of those late night talks again and for the first time you were actually sleep... shocker!!! No need to tell you what i'm going to miss about you'll hear it all in the song I did for you. I took advice from everyone I could and they all told me the same thing Stay Strong and keep in touch with him think positive and all I wanna say is nigga you don't know how i'm feeling inside who are you too help me? lmao naw i'm just kidding I played it smart and took advice to people who went through the same thing before so I know i'll be alright and I know you will to. You know I keep some of the realest people in my circle because some said they would even take me to visit you... crazy rii? Shii I know you'll be back so let me stop simping haha. uhh yeah well ily and lemme end this before the tears start rolling.
best friends forever
P.S. Troublesome Domo Stay out of trouble in STL lol

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