Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Nothings The Same ; It's all got too change

So I had the tv on mute and 106 and park was on but I wasn't really watching it and as I look up from my laptop I see stanky leg is #1 on the countdown and all I could do was laugh and shake my head. This would have never happened if Free and Aj were still the hosts of the show. Smh. Damn. It made me think of everything that has changed as I came up.

It went from Free and Aj to annoying (_!_) Roxy and Terrance.
It went from well put together and thought out cartoons
such as Rugrats to bull shii (_!_) cartoons like Wonder Pets.
It went from having friends of the different sex to friends just wanting to have sex.
It went from having talent and getting signed to just having a catchy hit single
and getting signed.
It went from living life without having a care in the world to people judging you for being your self.
It went from standing out to blending in.
It went from being able to trust your best friends with your biggest secrets
to having to watch what you say and do because now-a-days anyone will betray you.
It went from believing in Happy Endings portrayed in Disney Movies to being brought to the realization that everything is not as Happy as it seems when it ends.
It went from people being in love with each other to people just being in love with the thought of being in love.
It went from a Hello to a Farewell :'( (sorry ya'll that one was kind of personal)
It went from being ecstatic and hesitant about growing up
to being scared to face reality when you realize its not all its cracked up to be.

1 comment:

Ren Russ said...

Good post. Real stuff.