Thursday, January 8, 2009

Teach You a Lesson

Ok so I was listening to the Comeback Season mixtape by Drake and its very good I must say. Seems like Drake put a lot of time into it which is a good thing. But uhh just to inform you this post isn't about Drake lol. I know why did I lead you on right? haha but it is about one of the songs he did a verse over, which was the Teach you a lesson song by Robin Thicke. I never really made a big deal of Robin Thicke but I did listen to a few of his songs before and I liked them. He's more of my best friend Mel's favorite artist. But for some reason I was listening to teach you a lesson and then I saw what people mean for the first time when they say somebodies voice is so good it makes you wanna cry. Like literally his voice on that song was just so beautiful to the point it could have made me cry. IT DIDN'T but it could of lol. I'm just saying. I mean it was so soothing. Somebody check it out and tell me if they feel the same way. Oh yeah and Drakes touch to it just made it that much better. Good Combo! =)

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